<![CDATA[R & G Relax and Grow Multidimensional Hypnotherapy - Blog]]>Sun, 26 Jan 2025 08:03:49 +1030Weebly<![CDATA[Once I was Lost]]>Mon, 04 Mar 2024 09:48:49 GMThttp://relaxandgrowhypno.com.au/blog/once-i-was-lostPicture
​I have been on a journey for a long time now. To start with I was struggling to decide which part of me to show the world.

We are all made up of different parts e.g. the parent, the driver, the worker, the inner child, the friend. We are complex beings with many parts to our soul. For me, I was struggling with 2 main parts, my profession which is working in the medical field and my other passion, my Multidimensional Hypnotherapy where I am working in the spiritual or quantum realms.

1 part of me practiced evidence based best practice and the other part believed in the universe and all the wonders it can offer. I felt limited in what I could speak about and how I could act around other medical professionals. I also felt judged by other spiritualists when I talked about science and data proofing because I should just have blind faith and believe in, well everything.

I did receive some advice a few years ago during 1 of my hypnotherapy trainings. Instead of picturing myself on 2 different paths I was to imagine myself walking on 1 road. Sometimes I would be in the left lane and sometimes I would be in the right lane. But I was still 1 person, and I was still me. 

This was a huge step forward for me and it worked well for a while. However, I knew I was still not in my true alignment, and I saw the path in black and white with no shades of grey where the paths could merge.

Late 2023 I was approached by another Quantum Hypnotherapist who needed some practice clients. Hell yes, I jumped at that chance as I know how powerful Quantum sessions can be and I was right. My session had a profound impact on my personal and professional life.

In the session I walked through a portal where I was met by my tribe and the tribe leader who were exceptionally happy to see me. The Tribe Leader and I went into a sacred tent where he told me that I was not black and white. I was many different colors, and each color represented a different part of me e.g. the parent, the professional, the driver and so on.

He continued to say that on any given day I could be many different colors, depending on which part I needed to be at that time. But I was still me, I was 1 person I was just multi-colored. Today I could be a medical professional and tomorrow I could be a multidimensional hypnotherapist. But I was still 1 person made up of many different colors.

It sounds so simple now, but for many years I felt black and white. Now I am a multi-colored being enjoying being me, while walking down a colorful path surrounded by many beautiful colors. 

If you are feeling as lost as I was Contact Relax and Grow Hypnotherapy and I will help you find your own path.
